Johann Heinrich Wolf1,2,3

M, b. 29 November 1718, d. 10 June 1734
FatherGeorg Jacob Wolf1,2,3 b. Dec 1683, d. 8 Aug 1754
MotherAnna Gertraud Stock1 b. c 1686, d. 21 May 1766
     Johann Heinrich Wolf, son of Georg Jacob Wolf and Anna Gertraud Stock, was born at Rieschweiler, (Pirmasens), (Rheinland-Pfalz), Holy Roman Empire (Germany).1 He was baptized on 29 November 1718 at Rieschweiler. His godparents were Johann Henrich Schmiedt from Nünschweiler, Henrich Blindt, hunter, legitimate son of the deceased Johann Adam Blindt from Nünschweiler, Anna Maria, wife of Philipp Bupper(?) from Contwig, Meyer, and Anna Barbara, wife of Valentin Kieffer, backer in Dellfeldt.1 He was confirmed on 5 April 1733 at Rieschweiler.2 He died on 10 June 1734 at Rieschweiler at age 15 years, 6 months and 12 days.3


  1. [S995] Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Rieschweiler - Taufregister 1683-1798. Nr. 580 - Johann Heinrich Wolf - 29 Nov 1718
    "Rieschweiler, d. 29tn 9bris.
    P. Georg Jacob Wolf, u. Gertraudt s. Ehefr.
    e. Sohn Johann Henrich.
    T. Joh. Henrich Schmiedt v. Nünschweiler
    Henrich, Blindt, Jäger, Joh. Adam
    Blindten hindl. ehel. S. v. Nünschweiler
    Anna Maria, Philipp Bupper(?)
    Contwig, Meyers, Ehefr.
    Anna Barbara, Valentin Kief-
    fers, Beckers in Dellfeldt Ehefr."
  2. [S1024] Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Rieschweiler - Konfirmationen 1696-1798. Seite 166 - Nr. 584 - Heinrich Wolf - 5 April 1733
    "Henrich, Georg Jacob Wolfs e. S. ibid."
  3. [S1023] Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Rieschweiler - Toten 1696-1798, Kirchenbuch 1 A. Seite 331, Nr. 349 - Heinrich Wolff - 10 Jan 1734
    "Rieschweiler, d. 10tn. Juni
    Henrich, Georg Jacob Wolffen ehel. Sohn. ibid at. 15 1/2 ans."
Last Edited=18 Feb 2014