Ludwig Paul Cramer1,2,3
M, b. 16 December 1866, d. 1917
Ludwig Paul Cramer was born on 16 December 1866 at Warburg, (Höxter), Nordrhein-Westfalen, German Confederation (Germany).1,2 He was baptized on 25 January 1867 at Warburg. His godfather was Ludwig Paul Goeldner from Dortmund.1
Ludwig married his cousin Ada Cramer on 18 April 1893 at Breslau, Niederschlesien, Germany.2,3,4 He began as an employee in the coffee import business, but then opened the import companies called Wikott and Cramer am Sandtorkai in Hamburg in 1906, which soon failed at Hamburg, German Empire, in 1906.5
In May 1907, Ludwig and Ada emigrated from Hamburg on the SS Adolf Woermann to German South West Africa. They left their three children behind in the care of various relatives and boarding schools. Ludwig had arranged to purchase a ranch called Otjihaase from a deceased military officer. On their arrival, they learned that the land was not even legally his. They then received the 10000-hectare ranch called Otjisororindi from the government, land which had been taken from the Herero tribe when they were conquered in the Herero Wars. To fulfill their obligation they need to have at least 100 cows and 1000 sheep on the ranch within three years. They immediately purchased 28 oxen and a wagon, and were given eight Herero adults and six children who had been captured in the Herero Wars. The three men ran off during the two week journey to the land.6
Ludwig ferreted out that his workers were planning to poison him and Ada. Sadly, Ludwig and Ada began severely abusing their workers. They whipped several women resulting in the death of two of them and the miscarriage of another. A missionary documented this with two photos, leading to court proceedings in August 1912 against the Cramers. Ludwig's brother, an attorney in Dürkopp, came from Bielefeld to represent him. Although Ludwig was responsible for the violent death of three human beings, he was only imprisoned for four months and fined 2700 Marks, as well as having to pay half of the court costs.7
After his prison sentence was completed, he returned to his ranch. In 1917 at age 50 years, he was dynamiting holes in which to plant fruit trees, and blew himself up in the process.8
Ludwig married his cousin Ada Cramer on 18 April 1893 at Breslau, Niederschlesien, Germany.2,3,4 He began as an employee in the coffee import business, but then opened the import companies called Wikott and Cramer am Sandtorkai in Hamburg in 1906, which soon failed at Hamburg, German Empire, in 1906.5
In May 1907, Ludwig and Ada emigrated from Hamburg on the SS Adolf Woermann to German South West Africa. They left their three children behind in the care of various relatives and boarding schools. Ludwig had arranged to purchase a ranch called Otjihaase from a deceased military officer. On their arrival, they learned that the land was not even legally his. They then received the 10000-hectare ranch called Otjisororindi from the government, land which had been taken from the Herero tribe when they were conquered in the Herero Wars. To fulfill their obligation they need to have at least 100 cows and 1000 sheep on the ranch within three years. They immediately purchased 28 oxen and a wagon, and were given eight Herero adults and six children who had been captured in the Herero Wars. The three men ran off during the two week journey to the land.6
Ludwig ferreted out that his workers were planning to poison him and Ada. Sadly, Ludwig and Ada began severely abusing their workers. They whipped several women resulting in the death of two of them and the miscarriage of another. A missionary documented this with two photos, leading to court proceedings in August 1912 against the Cramers. Ludwig's brother, an attorney in Dürkopp, came from Bielefeld to represent him. Although Ludwig was responsible for the violent death of three human beings, he was only imprisoned for four months and fined 2700 Marks, as well as having to pay half of the court costs.7
After his prison sentence was completed, he returned to his ranch. In 1917 at age 50 years, he was dynamiting holes in which to plant fruit trees, and blew himself up in the process.8
Family: Julie Mathilde Adelheid Cramer b. 22 Jan 1874, d. 1962
- Hildegard Cramer9,10,11 b. 1894, d. 19 Sep 1969
- Ernst-Ludwig Cramer+3 b. 26 Jan 1895, d. 4 Jan 1957
- Elisabeth Ida Ada Cramer+4,12 b. 13 Jul 1896, d. 19 May 1922
- [S2971] Evangelische Kirche Warburg - Taufregister 1861-1881, Kirchenbuch 2
Seite 17, Nr. 16 - Ludwig Paul Cramer - 16. Dez. 1866/25. Jan. 1867
"Name: Ludwig Paul Cramer
Geburt: (16.) sechszehnten December ehelich
Vater: Ludwig Carl Cramer, [ er]-baumeister
Mutter: Ida Anna Emma Cramer, geb. Goeldner
Wohnort: Warburg
Taufe: 25. Januar 1867
Pfarrer: Koch
Taufpaten: Ludwig Paul Goeldner zu Dortmund." - [S3842] Zivilstandsregister Breslau - Heiraten 1893
Bild 713-714 - Ludwig Paul Cramer und Julia Adelheid Cramer - 18. Apr. 1893
"Breslau am achtzehnten
April tausend acht hundert neunzig und drei
Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschienen heute zum
Zwecke der Eheschließung:
1. der Kaufmann Ludwig Paul Cramer
der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt
evangelischer Religion, geboren den sechszehnten
December des Jahres tausend acht hundert
sechzig und sechs zu Warburg
wohnhaft zu Hamburg
Sohn des königlichen Baurath Ludwig Cramer
und dessen Ehefrau Ida geb. Göldner,
beide wohnhaft
zu Bielefeld,
2. die Julia Mathilde Adelheid Cramer, ohne besonderen
der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt
evangelischer Religion, geboren den zwei und
zwanzigsten Januar des Jahres tausend acht hundert
siebzig und vier zu Breslau,
wohnhaft zu Breslau,
Palmstrasse 23.
Tochter des Regierungs-und Baurath Ernst Cramer
und dessen Ehefrau Emma, geb. Lähnemann
beide wohnhaft
zu Breslau
Als Zeugen waren zugezogen und erschienen:
3. der praktische Arzt Dr. Ernst Cramer
der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt
neun und zwanzig Jahre alt, wohnhaft zu Breslau,
Sonnenstrasse 28
Tochter des Regierungs-und Baurath Ernst Cramer
der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt
fünf und sechzig Jahre alt, wohnhaft zu Breslau
Palmstrasse 23.
In Gegenwart der Zeugen richtete der Standesbeamte an
die Verlobten einzeln und nach einander die Frage:
ob sie erklären, daß sie die Ehe mit einander eingehen wollen.
Die Verlobten beantworteten diese Frage bejahend und erfolgte
hierauf der Auspruch des Standesbeamten, daß er sie nunmehr
kraft des Gesetzes für rechtmäßig verbundene Eheleute erkläre.
Vorgelesen, genehmigt und unterschrieben.
Ludwig Cramer
Adelheid Cramer geb. Cramer
Dr. Ernst Cramer
Ernst Cramer
Der Standesbeamte.
Hübel." - [S2862] Zivilstandsregister Hamburg, Best. 332-5, 1876-1950, Nr. 286 - Ernst Ludwig Cramer - 26 Jan. 1895
"Hamburg, am 31ten Januar 1895.
Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute, der
Persönlichkeit nach durch Heiratsurkunde
der Kaufmann Ludwig Paul
wohnhaft zu Hamburg Erlenkamp 15,
evangelischer Religion, und zeigte an, daß von der
Julie Mathilde Adelheid
geborene Cramer, seiner Ehefrau,
evangelischer Religion,
wohnhaft bei ihm,
zu Hamburg in seiner Wohnung
am sechs und zwanzigsten Januar des Jahres
tausend acht hundert neunzig und fünf nachmittags
um elf Uhr ein Kind männlichen
Geschlechts geboren worden sei, welches die Vornamen
Ernst Ludwig
erhalten habe.
Vorgelesen, genehmigt und unterschrieben
Ludwig Cramer
Der Standesbeamte." - [S2888] Heiratsurkunde von Erhard Hugo Zander und Elisabeth Ida Ada Cramer Erhard Hugo Zander und Elisabeth Ida Ada Cramer - 8 November 1919.
- [S4376] Barbara Frey, Der Fall Cramer, 2011, Seite 41.
- [S4375] Ursula Pietsch, Farmersfrauen in Namibia/Südwestafrika, Seite 5.
- [S4376] Barbara Frey, Der Fall Cramer, 2011.
- [S4376] Barbara Frey, Der Fall Cramer, 2011, Seite 52-53.
- [S159] Interview, J Zander.
- [S155] Günther Cramer, Mein Leben auf der Kinderfarm, Seite 65.
- [S4376] Barbara Frey, Der Fall Cramer, 2011, Seite 42.
- [S3215] Elisabeth Cramer, Todesurkunde, Image 1814 - Elisabeth Ida Ada Cramer (Zander) - 19. Mai 1922.
Last Edited=10 Feb 2024