Johann Christoph Lohn1,2

M, b. 10 February 1778, d. 25 February 1784
     Johann Christoph Lohn was born between 1 and 2 p.m. On 10 February 1778 at Schlitz, (Vogelsbergkreis), Hessen, Holy Roman Empire (Germany).1 He was baptized on 11 February 1778 at Schlitz. His godfather was his uncle, Christoph Lohn, citizen and master linenweaver in Schlitz.1 He died on 25 February 1784 at Schlitz at age 6 years and 15 days2, and was buried on 27 February 1784 at Schlitz.2


  1. [S684] Evangelische Kirche Schlitz - Taufregister 1748-1783, Kirchenbuch 7 Seite 377, Nr. 14 - Christoph Lohn - 10 / 11 Feb 1778
    "Christoph Lohn, geb. 10, nachmitt. zwischen 1 - 2/ 1
    Eltern sind Johann Georg Lohn, Bur-
    ger u. Leinweber Mstr. allhier und
    deßen ehl. Hausfrau Anna Maria,
    eine geb. Habermehlin. Taufzeuge
    Christoph Lohn, Burg u. Leinweb. Mstr. allh.
    D. 5te. Kind."
  2. [S573] Evangelische Kirche Schlitz - Beerdigungsregister 1783-1804, Kirchenbuch 8 Seite 659, Nr. 27 - Christoph Lohn - 25/27 Feb 1784
    "d. 25. Febr. Christoph Lohn, Joh. Georg Lohns Söhngen alt 6 Jahr 4 Tage."
Last Edited=2 May 2014