Katharina Bachmann1,2,3,4,5
F, b. 15 July 1857, d. 22 April 1935
Father | Konrad Bachmann III1,2,3 b. 13 May 1831, d. 22 Jan 1924 |
Mother | Barbara Lawall1,2,3 b. 9 Mar 1836, d. 5 Jul 1903 |
Katharina Bachmann, daughter of Konrad Bachmann III and Barbara Lawall, was born on 15 July 1857 at Dirmstein, Frankenthal, Rheinpfalz, Deutscher Bund.1,3 She was baptized on 9 August 1857 at Dirmstein. Baptismal sponsors were Katharina Bachmann, unmarried daughter of Lorenz Bachmann, land owner, and his wife, Maria, and the father of the child, Konrad Bachmann.1 She married Johannes Dieffenbach on 19 April 1887 at Worms, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutsches Reich.3,2,4,5
After the death of her mother, Barbara Bachmann, on 5 July 1903, Katharina was listed as one of seven heirs at the opening of the will on 7 August 1903 at Dirmstein, in the presence of Konrad Bachmann III, along with her siblings, Elisabetha, wife of Peter Knelle, a farmer in Obersülzen, Maria, wife of Karl Simshauser, a master chimney sweep in Worms, Barbara, wife of Peter Sauer, a farmer in Dirmstein, Johannes Jean Bachmann, merchant in Frankfurt, and Christian Karl Bachmann, a farmer in Dirmstein, and Karl Konrad Bachmann, also a farmer in Dirmstein. Barbara's husband was to receive 1/4 portion and of the remaining 3/4, each child was to receive 1/7 portion. The court considered the situation to be clear and did not intend to mediate. Initially there was agreement among the heirs, but son Karl Konrad did later dispute this distribution.
There was another hearing on 15 July 1904 to address the dispute. Karl asked the court to record an accounting of the existing estate as soon as possible, appraised by two appraisers, who he would reserve the right to name. This inventory should be the basis for the compilation of the distribution of the estate. At a hearing on 11 October 1904, both Karl and Barbara's husband Peter Sauer declared to be in agreement with the distribution plan. Konrad Bachmann, being one of the largest landholder in Dirmstein, had a long list of real estate. Of his two houses, he had already given one to son Christian on 15 September 1899, as a gift in advance for his long-standing service in his father's household, and two fields, which were also detailed in the appraisal. Christian had undertaken structural alterations and improvements since receiving the property. Though Konrad Bachmann's assets were large (M 150500.63), his property was heavily mortgaged at two credit unions. Also calculated were endowments made to the children before Barbara's death. Their children Elisabetha, Katharina, Johannes, and Barbara had previously received cash or land valued at M 10000. This would be deducted from the total inheritance of M 12544.44 3/7 for their respective portions. The children who had not received an advance bestowal would receive their full inheritance.2
Katharina died on 22 April 1935 at Mannheim-Käfertal, Baden-Württemberg, Deutsches Reich, at age 77 years, 9 months and 7 days4,5, and was buried on 25 April 1935 at Mannheim-Käfertal.4
After the death of her mother, Barbara Bachmann, on 5 July 1903, Katharina was listed as one of seven heirs at the opening of the will on 7 August 1903 at Dirmstein, in the presence of Konrad Bachmann III, along with her siblings, Elisabetha, wife of Peter Knelle, a farmer in Obersülzen, Maria, wife of Karl Simshauser, a master chimney sweep in Worms, Barbara, wife of Peter Sauer, a farmer in Dirmstein, Johannes Jean Bachmann, merchant in Frankfurt, and Christian Karl Bachmann, a farmer in Dirmstein, and Karl Konrad Bachmann, also a farmer in Dirmstein. Barbara's husband was to receive 1/4 portion and of the remaining 3/4, each child was to receive 1/7 portion. The court considered the situation to be clear and did not intend to mediate. Initially there was agreement among the heirs, but son Karl Konrad did later dispute this distribution.
There was another hearing on 15 July 1904 to address the dispute. Karl asked the court to record an accounting of the existing estate as soon as possible, appraised by two appraisers, who he would reserve the right to name. This inventory should be the basis for the compilation of the distribution of the estate. At a hearing on 11 October 1904, both Karl and Barbara's husband Peter Sauer declared to be in agreement with the distribution plan. Konrad Bachmann, being one of the largest landholder in Dirmstein, had a long list of real estate. Of his two houses, he had already given one to son Christian on 15 September 1899, as a gift in advance for his long-standing service in his father's household, and two fields, which were also detailed in the appraisal. Christian had undertaken structural alterations and improvements since receiving the property. Though Konrad Bachmann's assets were large (M 150500.63), his property was heavily mortgaged at two credit unions. Also calculated were endowments made to the children before Barbara's death. Their children Elisabetha, Katharina, Johannes, and Barbara had previously received cash or land valued at M 10000. This would be deducted from the total inheritance of M 12544.44 3/7 for their respective portions. The children who had not received an advance bestowal would receive their full inheritance.2
Katharina died on 22 April 1935 at Mannheim-Käfertal, Baden-Württemberg, Deutsches Reich, at age 77 years, 9 months and 7 days4,5, and was buried on 25 April 1935 at Mannheim-Käfertal.4
Family: Johannes Dieffenbach b. 21 Aug 1854, d. 2 Feb 1901
- [S839] Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirche Dirmstein - Taufen 1840-1872, Kirchenbuch 6
Seite 107 - Katharina Bachmann - 15 Jun/9 Aug 1857
"Heute den 9. August 1857 erhielt in der Kirche zu Dirmstein
durch den unterzeichneten Pfarrer und in Gegenwart der Taufzeugen 1. Katharina Bachmann, prot.
ledige Tochter von Lorenz Bachmann, Gutsbesitzer und dessen Ehefrau Maria Bettmann(?) aus
Heppenheim 2. Der Vater des Kindes.
die Weihe der heiligen Taufe Katharina Bachmann
geboren den 15. Juni 1857, Tochter von Konrad Bachmann III, Gutsbesitzer in Dirmstein
und dessen Ehefrau Babetta Lawall, prot.
Die Geburt dieses Kindes ist laut der dem unterzeichneten Pfarrer zugestellten Bescheinigung des Civilstands-Beamten
vom 16. Juni 1857 in die Geburts-Register der Gemeinde Dirmstein eingetragen worden.
Unterschrift des Pfarrers." - [S2302] Nachlass der Barbara Lawall, Bestand J 18, Sachakte 547, Landesarchiv Speyer.
- [S3866] Zivilstandsregister Worms - Heiraten 1887
Bild 107 und 108, Nr. 53 - Johannes Diefenbach und Katharina Bachmann - 19. Apr. 1887
"Worms am neunzehnten
April tausend acht hundert achtzig und sieben.
Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschienen heute zum
Zwecke der Eheschließung:
1. der Bäckermeister Johannes Diefenbach
der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt,
evangelischer Religion, geboren den ein und zwan-
zigsten August des Jahres tausend acht hundert
fünfzig und vier zu Gross-Niedesheim
Bezirksamt Frankenthal, wohnhaft zu Worms
Schillerstraße No. 19
Sohn des Rentners Johannes Diefenbach und dessen
Ehefrau Katharina geborenen Ott
beide wohnhaft
zu Worms.
2. Katharina Bachmann
der Persönlichkeit nach durch den von Person bekannten
Küfermeister Valentin Diefenbach anerkannt,
evangelischer Religion, geboren den fünfzehnten
Juni des Jahres tausend acht hundert
fünfzig und sieben zu Dirmstein
in Pfalzbayern, wohnhaft zu Dirmstein
Tocther des Gutsbesitzers Konrad Bachmann des
dritten und dessen Ehefrau Barbara, geborenen
Lawall beide wohnhaft
zu Dirmstein."
"Als Zeugen waren zugezogen und erschienen:
3. der anderseits genannte Valentin Diefen-
der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt,
dreißig und ein Jahre alt, wohnhaft zu Worms,
Schmiedgasse No. 5,6
4. Der Bäckermeister Conrad Diefenbach
der Persönlichkeit nach bekannt,
fünfzig Jahre alt, wohnhaft zu Worms
Mathildenstraße No. 50
In Gegenwart der Zeugen richtete der Standesbeamte an
die Verlobten einzeln und nach einander die Frage:
ob sie erklären, daß sie die Ehe mit einander eingehen wollen.
Die Verlobten beantworteten diese Frage bejahend und erfolgte
hierauf der Auspruch des Standesbeamten, daß er sie nunmehr
kraft des Gesetzes für rechtmäßig verbundene Eheleute erkläre.
Vorgelesen, genehmigt und unterschrieben." - [S3871] Evangelische Unionkirche Mannheim-Käfertal - Toten 1926-Jan. 1962
Bild 48, Seite 83, Nr. 1 - Katharina Bachmann - 22./25. Apr 1935
Beerdigungszeit: 25.4.1935
Todestag: 22.4.1935
Name: Katharina Diefenbach, geb.
Bachmann, ev. Ehefrau des
+ Bäckermeisters Johann Diefen-
bach in worms - hier
Geburt: 15.6.1857; Alter 77 Jahre u. 10 Monate
Bemerkungen: Lindenstr. 16, Feuerbestattung in Mannheim." - [S4456] Zivilstandsregister Mannheim - Sterberegister 1876-1950
Bild 208, Nr. 26 - Katharina Bachmann - 22. Apr 1935
"Mannheim-Käfertal am 23. April 1935
Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute, der Per=
sönlichkeit nach aufgrund seines Personenausweises
der Bankbeamte Karl Diefenbach
wohnhaft in Mannheim-Käfertal Lindenstraße 16
und zeigte an, daß seine Mutter
Katharina Diefenbach geborene Bachmann
77 Jahre 10 Monate alt,
wohnhaft in Mannheim-Käfertal bei ihm
geboren zu Dirmstein am 15. Juni 1857, Witwe
des in Worms verstorbenen Bäckmeisters
Johannes Diefenbach
zu Mannheim-Käfertal in seiner Wohnung
am zweiundzwanzigsten April
des Jahres tausend neunhundert fünfunddreißig
nachmittags um neun Uhr
verstorben sei.
Vorgelesen, genehmigt und unterschrieben
Carl Diefenbach
Der Standesbeamte
[ ]
Geboren 15.6.1857 in Dirmstein."
Last Edited=4 Apr 2023