Wilhelm Konrad Philipp Bachmann1,2
M, b. 21 January 1921, d. 22 November 2009
Father | Philipp Jean Konrad Bachmann1,3 b. 2 Apr 1882, d. 16 Jul 1958 |
Mother | Anna Elisabeth Süssmann1,3 b. 7 Mar 1896, d. 21 Feb 1933 |
Wilhelm Konrad Philipp Bachmann, son of Philipp Jean Konrad Bachmann and Anna Elisabeth Süssmann, was born on 21 January 1921 at Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Deutsches Reich.3,1,4 He was baptized on 29 May 1921 at Zell-Weierbach, Baden-Württemberg. His godfather was Wilhelm Süssmann, who was a businessmann from Borken and probably his grandfather.1
Because his father, Philipp, was abusive, in Apr 1928 Willi was taken by Ferdinand Lutz, a judge, and his wife, Magdalena, to live with them in Frankfurt. Magdalena was Willi’s aunt, the sister of his father.5,4
After Philipp and Anna divorced on 14 July 1932 at Frankfurt am Main, the court initially granted full custody of their son Willi to Philipp. Custody of their daughter, Helene, was initially granted to Anna. However, because Anna suffered from a chronic disease and had no income, it was decided that Helene should also live with the Lutz family. A custody battle ensued because Anna wanted to keep her daughter. The final court decision was that both children would remain with the Lutz family.6,7,4
Wilhelm and Helene were officially adopted by Ferdinand and Helene on 7 December 1934. Their surname was changed to Lutz-Bachmann.8
After Wilhelm graduated from the Wöhler-Realgymnasium he had to serve with the Reich Labor Service as were all young people. Then, being the right age at the wrong time in the wrong place, Wilhelm was drafted into the German Air Force during World War II.4
Wilhelm married Charlotte Schmitt, daughter of Friedrich Schmitt and Henriette Katharina Elisabeth Elmer, on 16 September 1947 at St. Ignatius Kirche, Frankfurt am Main.9 Willi was an architect at Frankfurt am Main.9
On 22 November 2009 around noon, Wilhelm died in the Marienkrankenhaus at Frankfurt am Main at age 88 years, 10 months and 1 day, leaving Charlotte as a widow.2 He was buried 9:15 a.m. On 27 November 2009 at the Frankfurter Hauptfriedhof. The memorial service was held at 10:30 a.m. in the Pfarrkirche Sancta Familia.2
Because his father, Philipp, was abusive, in Apr 1928 Willi was taken by Ferdinand Lutz, a judge, and his wife, Magdalena, to live with them in Frankfurt. Magdalena was Willi’s aunt, the sister of his father.5,4
After Philipp and Anna divorced on 14 July 1932 at Frankfurt am Main, the court initially granted full custody of their son Willi to Philipp. Custody of their daughter, Helene, was initially granted to Anna. However, because Anna suffered from a chronic disease and had no income, it was decided that Helene should also live with the Lutz family. A custody battle ensued because Anna wanted to keep her daughter. The final court decision was that both children would remain with the Lutz family.6,7,4
Wilhelm and Helene were officially adopted by Ferdinand and Helene on 7 December 1934. Their surname was changed to Lutz-Bachmann.8
After Wilhelm graduated from the Wöhler-Realgymnasium he had to serve with the Reich Labor Service as were all young people. Then, being the right age at the wrong time in the wrong place, Wilhelm was drafted into the German Air Force during World War II.4
Wilhelm married Charlotte Schmitt, daughter of Friedrich Schmitt and Henriette Katharina Elisabeth Elmer, on 16 September 1947 at St. Ignatius Kirche, Frankfurt am Main.9 Willi was an architect at Frankfurt am Main.9
On 22 November 2009 around noon, Wilhelm died in the Marienkrankenhaus at Frankfurt am Main at age 88 years, 10 months and 1 day, leaving Charlotte as a widow.2 He was buried 9:15 a.m. On 27 November 2009 at the Frankfurter Hauptfriedhof. The memorial service was held at 10:30 a.m. in the Pfarrkirche Sancta Familia.2
Family: Charlotte Schmitt b. 29 Nov 1922, d. 8 Aug 2018
- [S113] Evangelische Kirche Offenburg - Taufen
Nr. 41 - Wilhelm Philipp Konrad Bachmann - 29. Mai 1921
"29.5 1/2 4
Wilhelm Philipp Konrad
Philipp Bachmann, Kaufmann u. Elisabeth, geb. Süßmann in Zell-Weierbach
Wilhelm Süßmann, Kaufmann in Borken bei Kassel
Zell Wiedb. 86 [ ] Schönfels [ ] 461." - [S1488] Wilhelm Lutz-Bachmann Beerdigungsanzeige, 2009, Lutz-Bachmann Familie Papiere.
- [S107] Heiratsurkunde von Philipp Jean Bachmann und Anna Elisabeth Süssmann.
- [S978] Brief, Otto Auffenberg an Vormundschafsgericht, 11. August 1932.
- [S960] Vormundschaft von Helene Bachmann.
- [S107] Heiratsurkunde von Philipp Jean Bachmann und Anna Elisabeth Süssmann.
Heiratsurkunde, Nr. 8
(Aufgebotsverzeichnis Nr. 6 )
Zell- Weierbach am fünfundzwanzigsten
April tausend neunhundert dreiundzwanzig
Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschienen heute zum Zwecke der Eheschließung:
1. Kaufmann Phillip Jean
Konrad Bachmann
der Persönlichkeit nach
geboren am zweiten April
des Jahres tausend acht hundert zweiundachtzig
zu Frankfurt a. Main
Geburtsregister Nr. 1096 des Standesamts in Frankfurt a. Main
wohnhaft in Zell-Weierbach
2. die ledige Anna Elisabeth
Süssmann, ohne Beruf
der Persönlichkeit nach
geboren am siebten März
des Jahres tausend achthundert sechsundneunzig
zu Niedergrenzebach Kreis Ziegenhain
Geburtsregister Nr. 7 des Standesamts in Niedergrenzebach
wohnhaft in Zell-Weierbach.
Als Zeugen waren zugezogen und erschienen:
3. der Landwirt Philipp Falk I
er Persönlichkeit nach
65 Jahre alt, wohnhaft in Zell-Weierbach
4. der Rebmann Severin Heisch
er Persönlichkeit nach
51 Jahre alt, wohnhaft in Zell-Weierbach
Der Standesbeamte richtete an die Verlobten einzeln und nacheinander die Frage:
ob sie die Ehe miteinander eingehen wollen.
Die Verlobten bejahten diese Frage und der Standesbeamte sprach hierauf aus:
daß sie kraft des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs nunmehr rechtmäßig verbundene
Eheleute seien.
Vorgelesen genehmigt und unterschrieben
Phillipp Jean Konrad Bachmann
Anna Elisabeth Bachmann geborene
Phillipp Falk I Severin Heisch
Der Standesbeamte
Franz Schmidt Bürgermeister
Da vorstehender Auszug mit dem Heirats-Haupt-Register des Standesamts zu
gleichlautend ist, wird hiermit bestätigt.
Zell-Weierbach am 26. Februar 1935.
Durch das am 19. August 1932 rechtskräftig gewordene Verleib des Landgerichts Frankfurt a. Main vom 14. Juli 1932 ist die Ehe des Phillipp Jean Konrad Bachmann, Kaufmann und Anna Elisabeth, geb. Süßmann geschieden worden.
Zell-Weierbach, den 26. September 1932.
Der Standesbeamte. - [S79] Anna Elisabeth Süssmann, Todesurkunde.
- [S13] Geburtsurkunde von Helene Erika Lutz-Bachmann, Nr. 435, (4 Juli 1947), Helena Paula Erika Bachmann - 20. Apr. 1925
"Frankfurt a/Main, am 24. April 1925.
Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute, der Persönlichkeit nach durch Reisepaß
der Kaufmann Philipp Jean Konrad Bachmann
wohnhaft in Frankfurt am Main, Wollgraben 7
und zeigte an, daß von der Elisabeth Anna Bachmann, geborenen Süßmann, seiner Ehe-
wohnhaft bei ihm
zu Frankfurt am Main in seiner Wohnung
am zwanzigsten April
des Jahres tausend neunhundert fünfundzwanzig
vormittags um drei Uhr
ein Mädchen geboren worden sei und daß das Kind
die Vornamen
Helene Paula Erika
erhalten habe." - [S980] Personal knowledge.
Last Edited=1 Feb 2025